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Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Ultra Draft

2024 Miken/Easton/Worth Series
Powered by Easton/Miken/Worth

Event: Johnson City, TN 2024 (Other Events)
Sport: Softball
Event Director
Sports Drafts LLC
Contact / Learn More
Winged Deer Park
Johnson City, TN
Registration Deadline
Sun, Oct 27


This event has reached capacity.

Alternate registration is OPEN. You may sign up as a sub.

Join as Alternate

Rules Summary

These are the most common and/or most unique rules being used for this event. Please see "Official Rulebook" for exhaustive list of playing rules. When in conflict, rules written here shall supercede those in the official rulebook.

As a player, you are responsible for knowing all official rules of the game. By participating in the league, you are agreeing that you are aware of all rules associated with the league and the sport, and agree to abide by them at all times.

USSSA rules will apply and any other tournament rules listed below:
6 Game Guarantee (weather pending): 2 Pool seeding games leading into a seeded 3 Game Guarantee championship bracket, along with a SSS (Super Special Secret) Doghouse consolation bracket that will be single elimination on Sunday.
USSSA 240 bats are approved in the Altamonte Smasherz Superdraft. Senior Bats are allowed for female player and male players that are 45 years or older. We will have wristbands for the list of players registered that are 45 years old or older. Senior bats are to stay outside the dugout in plain sight for the umpire to see each game.
Teams will be required to put their bats along the fence prior to the start of the game. The Umpire will perform a quick inspection and help teams determine if they have a legal bat or not. We will spot test bats for compression throughout the weekend.
If a player hits a ball using an illegal bat, and the play is protested by the defending team before the next pitch, the play will ruled as a Dead Ball Out and a warning will be issued to the team. If it happens again that game, the play will once again be ruled a Dead Ball out and the player will be ejected from the remainder of the game resulting in an automatic out each time that spots comes up in the lineup.
Men MUST hit the official 12 inch Super Duper Blue Stitch multi layer Worth ball. Women will have the option to hit the Men's ball or the 11 inch Super Duper Blue Stitch multi layer Worth ball.
Teams will hit their own balls, specified above.
6 men's balls will be supplied to each team before the tournament starts. 2 women's balls will be supplied by tournament and kept on the fields. If you lose all your softballs, or wish to have more, they will be available for purchase at the fields for $6 each.
Five (5) Home Runs/Game. All Home Runs over the limit will be considered a Dead Ball Out. Female Home Runs DO NOT COUNT towards the team total each game. Hit and Sit, no need to run them out or touch 1st base.
~Each team must present their lineup to the other team, at coin toss, before 1st pitch.
~Each team is supplied with 1 scorebook. Please take a clean book, and make sure that runs are scored accurately by the umpire during each game.
~Each team MUST bat all of their rostered players. However, only 10 players will take the field on defense.
~No (2) players of the minority sex may sit out of playing defense at the same time.
~No player may sit out from playing a defensive position more than 7 innings for every 14 innings played unless the player should so verbally choose to. We ask each team to monitor this carefully. Please be respectful and fair to your teammates that also came to play.
Players must be in the LINEUP IN EVERY GAME!
If a player doesn't show up to PLAY IN game, the team can vote on if they want to have that player remain on the team or immediately removed from the roster/tournament and no longer eligible to win any prizes.
If a player doesn't show up to a BRACKET game, that player will be immediately removed from the roster and no longer eligible to play any further games or win any prizes.
If a player is "running late" to a game the player must be added to the end of the lineup. If you're "Running Late", you need to clearly communicate with your team prior to game time as the team will have the final call on adding you to the lineup. If added to the lineup, and the player misses his/her 1st AB, the team will take a recorded out for that player. If the player misses his/her 2nd AB, the team will have the option to remove player from the lineup, and player will be immediately disqualified from the rest of the tournament (and NO out will be taken for this AB or any future AB's during this game) OR remain in the lineup and continue to take an out for every at bat to keep player eligible for the remainder of tournament. This option will remain for missing players future AB's as well (if kept in game).
No players can be added to the lineup once the lineup has hit through.
Teams must disclose the number of female roster players at coin toss.
In the event 2 opposing teams have an unequal number of female players, the team with lesser number must MATCH the number of females the opposing team has playing on defense until all bench options have been exhausted.
If the 2 teams have the same number of female players, the number of females playing defense does not have to match.
EXAMPLE: The Visiting Team has 12 players in which 4 are Women and the Home Team has 12 players in which 3 are Women. The Visiting Team would have 3 women playing the field and 1 on the bench as an AH. The Home team would now be required to play ALL 3 of their women in the field and sit 2 men.
Teams must disclose the number of female roster players at coin toss.
In the event 2 opposing teams have an unequal number of female players by 1, no lineup adjustments are required.
If the female differential from the opposing team is greater than 1, the team with the LESS females will need to add a "dummy spot" to their lineup and take an automatic out each time that spot comes to bat during the entire game. The team that is short females must add enough "Dummy Spots" to their lineup to be within 1 female differential of the opposing team.
EXAMPLE: The Visiting Team has 4 Women, and the Home Team has 2. The Home Team would have to add a "dummy spot" to their lineup and take an out every time that spot comes to bat throughout the game.
If you are playing a team you feel has an illegal player in their lineup and would like to appeal the roster: call time out (before the last out of the game), announce to the umpire that you would like to appeal a player on the other team’s roster, present the umpire $100 CASH, and the umpire will stop the clock and contact a tournament director. The tournament director will check IDs of the player(s) in question and review the scorebook if needed. Tournament Director will have the master roster sheets for all teams at the fields. If a player is determined to be illegal, the appealing team will get their $100 back and the violating team (all players) will be immediately removed from the tournament. If player(s) are determined legal, the clock will restart and the $100 will be given to the umpire for wasting his time. All players must remain on the field until an official tournament director can come to the field. If at any time the player(s) in question leave the field of play while waiting for the tournament director, they will be determined to be illegal, and the team will be removed. No appeals can be made after the last out of the game.
2 per inning per team. Runner can be either sex and can be anyone on the team (however if that runner comes up to bat in the lineup before he/she scores or gets out, that runners spot in the lineup will be an automatic out and NO OFFENSIVE EJECTION). NOTE: A pinch runner may be used twice in the same inning if the person needing the runner gets on again (the pinch runner must also be the same runner used earlier that inning). For a speed up rule, the pitcher can also get a pinch runner to give more time for the pitcher to put on his helmet and shin guards.
20 runs After 3 innings
15 runs after 4 innings
10 runs after 5 innings
10 runs after 6 innings
1 run after 7 innings
Run rules are in effect EVERY GAME…pool play and bracket play.
All Games (unless noted below) will be scheduled every 75 minutes.
60 minutes time limit in pool seeding games with finishing the inning at the 60 minute mark and playing one more complete inning only.
Time starts after the coin flip. Hustle in and Hustle out.
Games can start as early as 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. BE EARLY!
NO TIME LIMIT in the Mixed Division double elimination bracket games! Play ball!
NO TIME LIMIT in the SSS Doghouse bracket games! Play ball!
Mixed player RULES:
Females can play anywhere on the field. No outfield co-ed line will be used.
If a male batter is walked and a female is on deck, the male gets 2nd base (must run it out and touch 1B) and the female will have the option to hit or take a free walk ONLY when there are 2 outs.
Females or Males who are up to bat CANNOT be thrown out at 1st base from an outfield position (or an assist from an OF position).
Defense may align on the field in a 4-man, or 5-man if they wish, at any time vs any batter. However, if a WOMAN is up to bat, an infielder may not play (starting position) beyond the infield cut line (where the dirt meets the grass/ infield meets the outfield) to be considered an infielder. Infielders "starting position" will be determined by where they are standing at release of pitch.
Defensive/Infield positioning is ONLY used to determine if a Hitter can be thrown out at 1B. All other defensive plays (force out at 2nd, play at 3rd, fly balls etc.) are allowed no matter where any infielder starts.
EXAMPLE Part 1: If Shortstop is standing in front of the infield cut line at time of pitch release with a female hitter...... Then, the infielder immediately sprints back into the outfield, and the ball is hit in their direction. The ball lands, he/she picks it up, and throws a missile across the field for the force out at 1B. This is ACCEPTABLE and the hitter will be called OUT. The shortstop may also catch the ball in the air in this scenario, and the female hitter WILL BE OUT.
EXAMPLE Part 2: If Shortstop is standing behind the infield cut line at time of pitch release with a female hitter...... Then, the infielder immediately sprints back into the outfield, and the ball is hit in their direction. The ball lands, he/she picks it up, and throws a missile across the field for the force out at 1B. The hitter will be called SAFE as the shortstop STARTED beyond the cutline and is now considered an OF position. The shortstop may also catch the ball in the air in this scenario, and the hitter WILL BE OUT, as starting position doesn't matter regarding a ball that is caught in the air.
Umpires’ discretion in determining when an infielder crosses the threshold of becoming an outfield position.
Female on deck batters must CLEARLY be the next player up to bat, and in the on-deck area. If a female batter is on deck and is not visible and the male batter in front of her is walked, the male batter will only be awarded 1st base, and the female batter must hit.
Absolutely NO additions/pickups will be made to any roster unless a Smasherz Tournament Director adds them. In the event a player drops leading up to within 10 days of the event, the tournament director will make the best attempt to fill the empty roster spot with someone who is on the official waiting list. However, if unsuccessful, that team will play less than 1 player.
In the event a player is severely injured during the game and cannot continue the rest of the tournament, that spot in the lineup will be an automatic out the 1st time that spot returns to an AB, then skipped each AB thereafter with no penalty. The player may NOT return at any time and is ruled out.
If a team or injured player wishes to have the injured player continue playing later that game or later games of the tournament, the player must remain in the lineup and take an out for each AB they miss.
If a team drops to LESS than 10, the Tournament Director will make best effort to assign a "House Sub" (someone who has not played on a team yet or is out of the tournament and has the same or lesser player score number) if available.
AWARDS/PRIZES: If you or your team wins an award/prize, you must be on the current active roster to claim. If you no-showed at any point, you'll be removed from the roster and forfeit any award/prize. If you leave the tournament early or are injured and cannot finish the tournament you risk losing any award or prize you may have qualified for.
No excessive bat tossing, or bat flipping will be allowed. Any bat toss/flip that clears the batter’s head or is thrown/tossed in an excessive/violent manner in any direction will result in the play being called an automatic dead ball out.
Players must always stay in the dugout when not playing defense. The exceptions are base coaches, on-deck and in-the-hole batters on offense. Non-rostered players will NOT be allowed on the field during game play. This means no base coaches that aren’t on your team’s roster. If you have someone keeping a book for your team and they are not a rostered player on your team, they MUST stay in the dugout or in the spectator’s section. Please keep all equipment and bags inside designated dugout areas.
We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding fighting. Any players involved in any physical altercation will be immediately Ejected from the game and disqualified from the tournament.
There will be no profanity or swearing on the field. This includes arguing calls with the umpire. Improper conduct by players on the field is grounds for a game ejection. Unruly fans may also result in a park ejection. Please, as players and/or fans, attend the games with respect and sportsmanship.
No excessive noise making devices will be allowed by fans or players (i.e. Whistles, Horns, etc.). Umpire and/or tournament director(s) reserve all rights to ask noise to stop or result in game/park ejection.
If a player is ejected from a game, that spot in the lineup will incur an out for each time it comes to bat in the lineup for that game. Players are allowed to return the next game. However, all ejections will be reported to tournament director(s) and tournament director(s) will have final say if any other action/penalty shall be had.
Tournament director reserves all rights to modify any game to a 1-pitch, shorten game times, eliminate games and/or brackets in the event of time constraints due to weather to help assure a champion.
In the event of bad weather or acts of god that are out of our hands that force a tournament cancellation, no refunds will be given as each player will have received a uniform package.
In addition, if tournament cancellation is announced between the tournament start and just before the finish of play-in games, we will host a drawing which will include all players in the tournament and randomly choose names to distribute all prize packages. Once play-in games are completed, the tournament director reserves all rights to decide prize distribution in the event of tournament cancellation.
The tournament director reserves all rights.
USSSA pitching rules with no faking or juking. Start 1-1 count and no free foul. 3rd strike foul is an out.
Strike zone is above front knee and under back shoulder. Plate is a dead ball.
We play 50’ feet but allow 6’ behind rubber but one foot must be in the marked box. No live ball stealing.
Also pitcher must start facing hitter. Must Present the ball and arm motion must be straight back and then straight forward without a pause or any pump fakes.
All pitchers MUST wear a mask or helmet - NO EXCEPTIONS!
No arguing about balls and strikes. Arguing an umpire’s call could be grounds of a player ejection.

Rules for Coaches

These are guidelines and rules for the event that all coaches must acknowledge and follow. Please review all rules carefully.

Official Rules

Official Rules

The official rules for the sport, which may or may not be from a sanctioning body.

Rules have not been posted yet. Please check back later.